About Me


I’m a creative technologist with a passion that surpasses the norm.

They say I’m a unicorn. I say I’m just me.

“I have high expectations of others, and even higher of myself.”

I have a lot to say and express through my work and art, and that’s what I strive to do, every single day.

My wife says I have a hobby of having hobbies, and perhaps she’s right. I like to learn new things.

Always challenging myself, always exploring new things, and doing my best to understand the ins and outs of each subject.

How do you know if you like something if you don’t try? How do you know if you’re good at something, unless you spend time with it?

My Olympus OM-1 analogue camera
My Olympus OM-1 analogue camera

“Get out of your comfort zone.

You have the courage to do what you want to do.”


Aside from my photography, I enjoy paper engineering, whittling, 3D printing, miniature painting, speed cubing, and Stoic philosophy, to name just a few!

I make my own beard balm and moustache wax, which helps my “beard of wisdom” as it’s been called, stay in tip-top shape.

Macro shot of a fly with a dented eye