City of Possibilities


A phyiscal map of Singapore, with a digital exploration twist.

Mixing physical and digital technologies together to create a magical piece, that had users excited and amazed at what they were playing with.

“Mixing the physical with digital, done right, can enchant and amaze.”

The City of Possibilities combines a physical experience with digital. Users chose one of 2 physical avatars that they would place upon one of 8 hotspots strategically placed across the map, to highlight some of the best locations in Singapore for tourists, and locals alike, to visit.

Once a user placed their avatar, they were magically transported to that location on a large display, where rotating the physical avatar on the map, would rotate a 360 degree video of the location on screen.

Take a look at the video for the working experience!

Credit: Singapore Tourism Board
Credit: TBWA\Singapore


Client: Singapore Tourism Board
Executive Creative Directors: Gary Steele, Hagan de Villiers
Head of Technology: Toby Thurston
Brand Director: Ellen Tan
Senior Art Director: Marvin Liang
Copywriter: Lena Paik
Creative Director: Anam AS
Agency Producer: Sariyanti Sannie
Production House: AIRBAG Productions