
Group of people walking along the seafront.
Group of people walking along the seafront.


I am a people watcher.

My photography is a way to document life and social interactions.

People are weird. I love that.

“I believe everyone is creative.

Not releasing this creativity is the source of frustration in our lives.

Find your release, and embrace it.”

Photography is my way to release and express my creative energy. It also helps me rid every day stress by getting me out and about, observing the world around me, and focusing my energy on something that allows me to relax and enjoy.

I’ll occasionally talk to people and do a quick portrait session with them. I tend to do this when I’m feeling particularly shy or anxious, as a way to push myself out of my comfort zone and into the big wild scary world.

I will continue to push myself to improve, and create art that I can be happy with.

“Get out of your comfort zone.

You have the courage to do what you want to do.”


I am primarily drawn to street photography due to my fascination with social interactions and being, simply put, a people observer. Capturing moments, creating stories, documenting the obscurities of everyday life.

People are strange, and I love that.

“There’s an incredible world of tiny beings right in front of us.

Macro photography enlarges and presents this beauty we can’t usually see.”


I’m terrified of spiders; or at least I was. After starting to experiment with macro photography as an alternative to photographing on the streets, I started to learn more about insects, their behaviours and just how incredible they are.

To find signs of a jumping spider, and hunting it down to take a photo is super rewarding.

What I like most about macro photography, is bringing this tiny living world into view for others to see, where they may instead just let it pass them by.

“When I do something, I have to go all out.

That’s why I also develop my own colour and black and white film.”


I can be a pretty impatient person occasionally; I don’t like waiting for others to do something if I can do it myself.

Instead of waiting several days for my photos to be developed and scanned, I learnt to do it myself.

The satisfaction of going through the entire process of taking a photo, developing it, and scanning the negative is rewarding, and I can do it all at home.

“It’s illuminating to see the love that pet owners show their animals.

I get the feeling they care more about them than their fellow humans.

And who blames them?”


Pet photography is very new to me, but brings forth a new challenge. I’ve so far done a couple of amateur shoots having been asked by dog owners.

All I can really say is, it’s great fun, and another confidence builder. You need to get down on the floor, and not be afraid of getting dirty.

People may think you look silly, but you’re busy having fun and capturing moments for people that care so much about their fur kids.